Try your first class for free!
Try your first class for free!
At the Center For Athletic Training Success C.A.T.S we have a coach student ratio of 8:1 or smaller. We feel it is important that classes are small to ensure that each student is given the appropriate amount of attention and to ensure their safety. While we understand that sometimes there are circumstances that cause you to miss a class, it is preferred that you call the gym to notify your child’s coach of an absence at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled class start time. In order to schedule a makeup class you will need to call at least 24 hours in advance to ensure that there is room in the desired class. If you signed up for a designated makeup class and cannot come, you must call and cancel or you forfeit your makeup. Makeups will expire 30 days from the date of absence. If your child has a serious injury or illness, exceptions can be made by making arrangements at the front desk. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that makeups are scheduled within the allotted time frame, as no refunds for missed makeups will be allowed. Makeup classes are not a form of payment. Makeups are permitted for active students only, provided that all tuition payments are current.
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